FHTM Teams Up with Packages From Home

Lexington, Ky. September 15, 2012 -- Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing, Inc. (FHTM) and Packages From Home have come together to donate care packages of assorted items to servicemen and servicewomen overseas.

FHTM purchased several items for the care packages including Ramen Noodles, oatmeal, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, tuna, beef jerky, tea bags, Rice Krispie treats, hard candy, and, from their own line of products, True Essentials Whey Protein Shake Packets. Enough items were sent to the Packages From Home warehouse in Phoenix, Az. to fill 500 care packages.

As part of the FHTM Gives Back campaign, Independent Representatives were also given the opportunity to take part in the project at the FHTM IMPACT event in Dallas by writing personal letters to thank deployed military men and women. They could also make a monetary donation, which will be used to help Packages From Home with international shipping costs.

Jan Johnson, Morale, Welfare and Recreation Coordinator for Packages From Home, was especially grateful to work with FHTM. "Packages From Home is always excited to work with corporate groups like FHTM. We love getting more people involved in supporting our troops, and corporate involvement always means more goodies to send to the troops. Thanks, FHTM!"

"FHTM has always been a big supporter of our troops, and this was just one more way to show our appreciation. Packages From Home led us in the right direction – everything from what items to purchase to how our Representatives could get involved – and we are so happy to have worked with them," says FHTM's Chief Communications Officer, Brittney Mills.

FHTM Gives Back is a philanthropic campaign that allows FHTM Corporate Staff and Representatives the opportunity to give back to their communities, both at a local and national level. Past Give Back endeavours have included Home Runs for Hope, Cell Phones for Soldiers, Toys for Tots and Think Pink Week.

Mills and her team were the ones that brought the idea to include Representatives in this project to life. "This year, we wanted to incorporate a 'give back' portion to our annual convention so that Representatives and FHTM staff could come together to support a common cause. In the future, FHTM Gives Back will always have a presence at IMPACT, serving as a reminder that FHTM, as a company, firmly believes in philanthropy and service to others."


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