Melaleuca Dumps Old Vitamins

Melaleuca has dumped approximately 15 tons of vitimins into a Bonneville County landfill to make room for new and more effective supplements.

Filling almost twelve dump trucks, the 10.4 million dollars worth of inventory was disposed of after Melaleuca clamined to have come up with a better way to allow vitamins to be absorbed into the body.

CEO Frank Vandersloot said, "...once you know you've got a better product, you ought to get rid of the old and move to the new."

While watching the dumping of the inventory, VanderSloot stated, "it is really painful to plow under 10-million dollars worth of product, but it's really exciting to know where we are going, that we've really got products that will do the people a lot more good than the products they've been using for the last 50 years in nutritional supplements. So it's painful to do this, but I'm really excited about the future for us and for people in general, for humankind."


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