Passion Parties Article in Orlando Sentinel

Passion sells, and ladies are buying

Jane Pipes had a bunch of girlfriends over for a party one night this month, and it wasn't long before the conversation got around to sex.

For more than an hour, the women snicker, they giggle, they guffaw. They blush. They make sophomoric jokes and ask questions that reveal their naivete.

Then they get out their checkbooks and credit cards, and go on a sensual spending spree.

With her pleasantly raspy voice, her all-American, Midwestern accent and her look-'em-in-the-eyes-and-call-'em-by-name technique, Shannon Bannerman could sell vacuum cleaners or term life insurance.

Instead, she sells sexual aids.

Last year, Bannerman says, her team sold $1.28 million worth of the products through home parties based on the model used since the 1950s to sell plastic containers for leftovers.


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